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We Asked The Mums Of Reddit: What Is The Best Mothers Day Gift UK?

What does Reddit think the best mother’s day gifts are?

‘I would like to be completely ALONE for the whole weekend. No one calls me; no one needs anything from me. Just leave me alone’
A mother holds her baby.
Photo by rajat sarki on Unsplash

Mothers day is approaching. While we are all super organised and on the ball, sometimes mothers can be the most difficult to buy gifts for. 

This is because we grew up with our mothers being the ultimate gift-buyers; to follow in their footsteps is a daunting task.  

A quick hop on the internet will present the usual ideas. However, they never seem to stretch further than flowers or chocolates. When they do occasionally venture, it will never be anything beyond a Spa day. 

We love our mothers; we appreciate that they're more dynamic than being shunted into one of three categories and deserve to be treated so.

There will never be a one size fits all solution to this problem. 

This is why we decided to hop onto Reddit and do the one thing nobody on the internet has seemingly done yet. ASK MUMS THEMSELVES!

We went on Reddit and asked them: Hypothetically and with no boundaries, what would the ultimate mothers day look like?

The answers were surprisingly consistent; surprisingly simple...

Read on to find out more. 

15 mothers tell us what their dream mothers day looks like.

Some attempted to organise some quality time...

1.) My kids are grown, so now I want a day with everyone together. Maybe do brunch. I don't want flowers, chocolates, or gifts. I do want to NOT cook or plan anything.

2.) We recently went to get a photo portrait professionally; it was CHAOS!

My three-year-old was not having it. She was screaming and wouldn’t sit down or smile. It was hot. My five-year-old got ketchup on his shirt sleeve (how? Idk) My hair got frizzy. My ten year old “wants to go home cause [he’s] hungry” so he was complaining the entire time. My husband was not very helpful, just sorta sat there and smiled.

A mess! Nonetheless, the portrait we chose looked amazing! I cannot wait for the final product and it was definitely worth the struggle.

3.) I remember as a kid my mom and aunt had a “yes man” day lol. Where my dad and uncle were their “yes men”. So every time they asked for something they’d have to say yes. It was fun and funny for them but I think it also gave them a break. I’d like to do that one day haha.

Some had their eyes on a gift...

A pastel bunch of flowers on a wooden table
Photo by micheile || visual stories on Unsplash

4.) Apple Watch, facial, massage, & a necklace with my babies initial on it

5.) I’d like something luxurious that I wouldn’t usually buy for myself. This year I either want nice hand cream or body cream but I’d really love a piece of jewellery with my daughter’s birthstone to commemorate her birth.

6.) If I am honest, I would like things large or small that show that little things I have mentioned over the years have been noticed and heard. I gush over Pusheen stuff in stores, maybe someone might remember that and get me a Pusheen mug or something. Or maybe someone might notice that I need new riding boots. Maybe someone might notice that I'm taking joy in witching-up my home office and getting me witchy things. What would make me feel loved and appreciated is something that shows I am heard and seen. 

7.) A massage! 

Some wanted a day without getting their hands dirty... 


9.) Breakfast in bed. A clean house. Uninterrupted bath/shower. Maybe send me shopping or for a massage. And also I don’t want to wipe anyone’s butt for the day

Most just wanted to be left alone.

10.) I would like to be completely ALONE for the whole weekend. No one calls me; no one needs anything from me. Just leave me alone.

11.) I'm always afraid I sound like a monster, but my mothers day gift has always been a weekend away at a hotel. I come home to a take out dinner, clean house, and usually little craft type gifts my kids make for me. It's perfect! I'm a stay at home mum, and even when I get a 'break' in the house, I can hear the kids. I hear them say "where is my shoe?" and I groan because I know exactly where it is, and feel anxious listening to see if they find it, etc. And, if I'm in the house, I'll relax by watching TV and think... I'll just fold this laundry while I watch. And suddenly, it's not a break anymore.

When I come home from my mommy vacation, the kids are thrilled to see me. I feel like I can be my best mom self. And everyone has had a chance to really appreciate everything I do because they've had to do all my chores in my absence and felt how crazy it is.

12.) ASK your wife what they want. My husband surprised me last year with "a day to myself" but with zero activities planned and it was too late for me to set anything up with my friends + finding a good activity was hard because of the pandemic. I ended up getting frustrated and asked him to rain-check it a couple of weeks later so that I could actually plan a fun day out that would be truly rejuvenating.

13.) I want a pair of earrings and I want the whole day taken care of. No getting anyone else dressed, no planning or making dinner, no putting anyone down for a nap or to bed. No refereeing any fights. I just want the day off.

14.) I want a 'me' day. Maybe go get my nails painted, hair dyed, a gift card to home goods so I can buy pretty but useless stuff. Come home to a clean house and just relax. But I’m a single mom, so that’ll be when my kids are grown up and out of the house.

 15.) A day off, completely to myself: Morning coffee in silence with a fresh bouquet of flowers, then a hike, next, a silent pedicure and full body massage. A nap in complete silence. Listen to a podcast while doing some gardening. Go to dinner with a friend. Go to bed in absolute silence, fall asleep reading for 8 hours straight.


A mother & daughter hold hands.
Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

You know when something seems so obvious once you know the answer?

The overall consensus was that most mothers just want a break!

This is obvious when you say it out loud... 

Of course mothers want a break! - Motherhood is a phenomenally challenging and complex role and should be recognised as such. 

So before we wade through endless articles suggesting expensive weekend breaks, champagne and truffles - consider the merits of simply giving back time as the best gift for mothers day.

It's come from the source, after all... 

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