Easy ways to pay each other via ApplePay and Google Pay

Bank transfers are hassle, entering card details into 1990’s webforms is soooo last season….so what’s the alternative?
How can my friends pay me using ApplePay or GooglePay?
Collctiv! Simple as that. The organiser of an event or gift simply downloads the app here for free, creates a pot, shares the link wherever they chat with their friends and voila, anyone can just tap on the link and pay in seconds using ApplePay or GooglePay.
You know the scenario, you’ve been there a million times before.
- The bill after a meal when the person serving is stood there waiting for 14 people to tot up what they’ve had and the 7 minutes feels like the most awkward lifetime ever experienced, so you just say ‘argh stick on my card and you all pay me back’.
- The AirBnB for your weekend away. The Whatsapp group lit up. You nipped to make a brew and came back to 141 notifications. And that was just trying to sort a weekend that worked. Now you’ve got £x to pay to bagsy the perfect weekend cottage so yet again, muggins there sticks it on their card and then spends the rest of their lives trying to get it back.
- The Uber after a night out. Granted, it’s designed to allow you to pay on your account so on this occasion, your all-too-often useless friends can be forgiven BUT, how do you get that back? It was 3am, and it was £40!
- The leaving present for Ellie’s maternity leave, Babs’ retirement or Amy’s 40th. There’s a cash machine right outside your office but no, no…..you get pledges not pounds. IOU’s, not ‘I’ve paid you’s’.
- ‘I’ll buy you a drink’. You don’t want a drink, you want the £10 they owe you!
- ‘I’ll transfer you the money’. They won’t.
- ‘I’ll get a tenner out at lunch’. Nope. Not happening.
Is there an easy way for people to pay each other using ApplePay or GooglePay?
It’s somewhat perverse, but to be paid the money you are owed, it appears that it’s also up to you to make it easy for the person who owes you to pay you! Yep, as well as researching the restaurant/accommodation/activities/transport link etc…. you are expected to also make it super convenient for them to pay you too. It’s the Organiser’s plight everytime.
‘I’ll do everything for you to make sure this thing happens, then if I don’t make it easy for you to pay me I’ll end up out of pocket’.
The good news is that there is a solution. Gone is the necessity of having to add a recipient to your internet banking; having to log in, flicking between the Whatsapp message and your banking app and should you get distracted before completing this task you then get logged out and have to start all over again. Or needing to download an app and create an account on that app to pay a person. Or having to bank with the same company as them to escape the rigmarole.
How about a solution that takes seconds? Literally 3 or 4 of them! Then it’s done. As the habitual contributor and very rarely the organiser (my event count stands at 3 stag dos in 4 decades!) I am the notorious non-payer. Not because I’m a skinflint or horrible person at heart (or at least that’s what I tell myself!), but because I have 3 kids, 3 dogs and am woefully disorganised.
If there is any friction between you sending me the reminder to pay and me actually paying, it isn’t happening. If it isn’t ApplePay compatible, it isn’t happening. My wallet is always on the top floor of my house when I’m at the bottom. Or it’s at the bottom in the drawer with the car keys when I’m at the top. There’s staircases to negotiate. There’s excuses. There’s absolution for me when I still owe you £25 over a year later.
How can I pay someone via ApplePay or GooglePay?
Collctiv makes this whole saga go away! It’s easy for you as the organiser and it’s easy for everyone trying to pay you.
Simply download the app, create a pot and share the link. People paying in then simply tap the link and with the joys of ApplePay and GooglePay they are done in seconds.
No app download needed. No creating an account. No banking. No reason to prevent the tap, the FaceID and the money seamlessly transferring from payee to organiser. Done. In the blink of an eye the thing that fills you with dread and takes over your life every time you take it upon yourself to make something magical happen for all of your lovely, but ultimately useless (where payment is concerned!) friends is complete. No faff, no messing, just Collctiv using ApplePay and GooglePay to get you the money that is yours.
So next time you need to collect money - try Collctiv. Download it here for free and give your lovely contributors absolutely no excuse or reason to not pay. ‘I didn’t have my card to hand’. ‘I left my wallet in the car and by the time I got it I’d forgotten all about this’. ‘Little Rosie asked for a biscuit just as I was about to pay’. Nope. With ApplePay and GooglePay there is literally nothing stopping your contributors from paying the money they owe you.