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Top 5 Things to Pool Money For

With our Collctiv family growing and PayPal Money Pools closing down, we’re in an exciting moment! 

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been enjoying talking with you, helping us to understand all the weird and wonderful ways Collctiv adds value to your day to day lives. A big thank you to everybody who participated!

Today, we’re excited to share with you some of the results, which we’ve condensed into the 5 most popular group things to collect money for.

If you feel like you resonate with any of these or know somebody who will, please share the love and help them become a part of the Organiser revolution!

✈️ Collctiv For Travel ⛷

Collecting money for travel is frequently cited as a source of stress 😰 Flights, accommodation, itinerary... Although the level of planning can vary from group to group, if you're the unlucky one lumbered with the responsibility, you always need everyone's moulah up front.

🥂 Collctiv for Events 🕺

Weddings? Go Karting? Bar mitzvah? Hen or Stag do?

It's clear that after months of incarceration you lot are finally getting out and about again 🥳 It's hard enough having to organise a group event or activity without the additional headache of chasing people for fees owed. Get that money up front.

🎁 Collctiv for Gifts 💐

Remember passing the brown envelope around the office?

Collctiv is the digital equivalent. Collecting money for retirement gifts & teachers presents have now become a lot simpler. You even told us that friends and colleagues are chipping in a grander amount when using our app! 🤑

⚽️ Collctiv For Sports 🏈

Pitch fees, match fees, kit costs, socials... it all adds up. As a result, we’ve spotted you guys creating more and more sports-related pots. Making it easier for you to see who has actually paid, when and for what. Giving you the freedom to roam the touchline stress-free!

🧸 Collctiv For Charity 💚

Remember how the switch from cash to card increased the number of contributions? You told us this is also the case for charity collections. For some reason, people don't place the same weight on digital money as they do with cash. If it's easier for them to chip in with their card, they definitely will.

What Makes An Organiser?

Simply put, Organisers are those who thrive with initiative. If you've found yourself taking the reins ever since you were a youngster in the playground, then the chances are you’re an organiser too! And why do we love Organisers? 

Because without Organisers nothing would ever get f***ing done!

Organisers! The world revolves around your fingertips like a giant basketball, Take your newfound supremacy and raise a glass to yourselves! without you, nothing would ever get done!

Tired of being left out of pocket? It’s free to download our app! Click here to start collecting money and organising like a pro.

Curious? Check out our website for more information and more blog content, including our take on why we are the best alternative to PayPal Money Pools.

Download Collctiv now to organise like a pro.
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