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The Alternative to Braid
On May 10, Braid App disabled its pooling feature and will shut down on June 8. Learn how Collctiv can help you pool money safely, securely, and quickly.

Looking for a Braid alternative to pool money?

Have you got an upcoming event that you need to pool money from your friends and family together for? Maybe there’s a milestone birthday on the horizon or a friend’s bachelorette party and you and all of your people are going in together to buy the dream gift for that special person?

If you’re the person who’s going to be organizing this, you will know that collecting the dollars that have been promised to you isn’t a walk in the park.

If this task has been made even harder by the money pooling app Braid putting a pause on their services back in July, then we’re here to introduce you to the latest group payments app released in the US. Collctiv allows you to pool money easily & securely for every occasion. Download the app today!

Where has the Braid money pools app gone?

Back in July 2022, Braid announced that they would be moving to a new banking partner. As a result of this transition, all users were advised that new payments wouldn’t be accepted after July 29th and any pooled money would need to be moved out of the platform before 2nd August.

The Braid app was removed from the App Store and Google Play, and anyone stumbling across their website and hoping they’d found the tool to solve all of their money pooling pains were instead directed to join a waitlist, which is still in place now.

This left a lot of people scratching their heads wondering how they were going to pool money for any upcoming occasions. Paypal Money Pools closed down last September. Braid put a stop to services in August this year.

Back to the drawing board.

Luckily a solution wasn’t too far away. As though they had heard the frustrated sigh of organizers all over the United States, Collctiv is bringing the number one money pooling service across the pond!'

What is Collctiv?

Collctiv is the app which allows you to pool money for any group purchase in a secure and easy way, making sure you’re never left to suck up the fees for your group, all in the knowledge that your pooled money is safe. Your pool is completely separate from your other finances, so you can see exactly how much is in the pool, who has paid in and how much, without having to look through pages of bank statements or PayPal records, splitting Starbucks splurges and trips to the mall from people paying toward Chad's graduation gift or Kelsey's baby shower.

Launched in the UK back in September 2019, Collctiv has established itself as the go-to money pooling app with over 400k users, payments received from 88 countries and more than $20 million in payments processed.

People of the United States need look no further! Collctiv has officially launched in the American App Store as of 17th October with United States Dollars becoming the second official currency built into the platform.

How does Collctiv work?

The Collctiv app has been built with ease at the forefront of everything. Organizers can set up a pool for their chosen event through the mobile app and share the payment link or a QR code with their group through WhatsApp, Facebook, email, Teams, Slack… basically however you communicate with your friends, family or coworkers! This can all be done in less than a minute and then all you need to do is sit back and watch the dollars roll in.

Now here’s the important part, the journey for contributors is even easier. All they have to do is click on the link or scan the QR code that they’ve been sent which will take them to your payment page, choose the method to pay (Card, Google Pay or Apple Pay) and within a couple of taps their job is done.

This takes less than 10 seconds and no account creation is needed from anyone who is contributing. This means those excuses or delays from James who only uses Venmo or Jennifer who can only CashApp you the money are now removed. Make it easy for contributors to pay. Make it easy for you to collect money. Simple.

When it comes to fees, there are no mandatory costs for contributors paying into your pool - we don’t want to get in the way of your collection! 

On withdrawal, there is a 6% fee if you choose to withdraw the money straight to a bank account (unfortunately it does cost us to move this money to your bank), but you do have the option to purchase an e-gift card with no additional fees, straight from your Collctiv pool, from one of many options across retail, beauty, events and more!

Download the free app today and start watching the dollars roll in!

Organisers bring people together

Since 2019 Collctiv has helped over 400,000 people from 88 countries come together by making it simple for Organisers to collect money from groups. Whether it's gifts for teachers, group holidays or grassroots sports teams - download our free app today and start bringing people together!

Download Collctiv now to organise like a pro.
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