Reddit Answers: The 50 Most Thoughtful Gifts For Dads In 2023 PT2

Welcome to the second part of our best dad gifts blog series!
I would suggest reading part one before jumping into the 2nd instalment.
As for part two? There are dads to be, fathers day dads and Christmas day dads.
As well as some of the more frequented questions surrounding dad gifts on the internet.
It's now apparent that we've turned over every dad genre on the internet.
We're now confident that we have made the most comprehensive dad gifts guide anywhere.
My fingers have blisters!
Est reading time 9m 52s

1. A Personalised Leather Bracelet
The first suggestion I received upon asking was later affirmed by the internet.
A commemorative leather bracelet documenting the moment is a thoughtful gift to give.
They can be purchased via this link -
2. A Personalised Notebook
“He needs a notebook for all the jokes that will begin to materialise in his head…”
A relevant shout from the Reddit user who suggested notebook,
Although we imagine that there may be better uses to be found than to earnestly record fleeting dad jokes…
The best of which can be found here -
3. A Comprehensive ‘Dad Jokes’ Guide
Speaking of dad jokes, we imagine plentiful will soon be creeping their way into this soon to be father's vocabulary…
Premature facilitation of fact - we recommend this book of Dad jokes, ensuring he can read up and be ready for the day his child is born.
This book can be found here -
4. A Comprehensive Fatherhood Guide
Back to the book theme, but this time with more emphasis on the significant nature of parenting.
This book has been mindfully designed to provide advice, helping along the new journey.
A comprehensive fatherhood guide becomes just that, an informative guide to fatherhood.
The book becomes thorough and necessary for a dad to be.
5. A Contoured Sleep Mask

Do you know the largest involuntary sacrifice new parents must make in the first years of a child's life?
That would be a reduction in quantity and quality of sleep… sleep is a precious commodity amongst parents.
A contoured sleep mask is a mask designed to sit away from the wearer's eyelashes and as a result, completely blocks out light and promotes better sleep.
Here is a blog exploring some of the better options when approaching sleep masks -
6. Baby Sh*t Kit
Babies are messy; the product of their messiness waits for nobody, least of all parents.
This is a gift given in anticipation and with prevention in mind.
A baby sh*t kit is filled with apparatus for when a baby decides they must go, no matter the location, time or anything else for that matter…
Like I said before, a baby waits for nobody, least of all parents.
7. Weighted Blanket
A continuation of the theme of sleep, that precious commodity parents struggle to come across…
A weighted blanket is a blanket that lightly weighs down the wearer, in turn, this gives the feeling of being swaddled and gently promotes sleep.
I’ve tried one myself and would like to vouch for the effects.
They can be purchased just here -
8. Smoothie Maker

Being responsible for a baby means less available time to prepare a nutritious meal.
A smoothie maker takes centre stage, affording parents time to prepare a meal quickly and without hassle.
Not to mention they’re also quite cool.
Here is a blog detailing the best smoothie makers and blenders currently on the market! -
9. ‘The Man Behind The Bump’ T-Shirt
A humorous nod to the source of all the entailing chaos to come.
‘The Man Behind The Bump’ being the dad to be.
You can purchase the t-shirt just here -
10. Personalised Baby Scan Frame

The baby scan holds significance for the parents and should be displayed celebratory.
The gift is a framed image of the baby scan with either names, dates or anything else engraved.
They can be purchased here -
GIFTS FOR… Fathers Day Dads

1. Cufflinks!
Fathers day calls for smaller gifts.
Our aim is to find these smaller gifts, providing as much value to dads as possible.
The first of these suggestions is cufflinks,
What Are Cufflinks? Cufflinks are small items of jewellery used to secure the cuffs of shirts.
Cufflinks represent a great way to personalise a gift your dad can carry around at all times, be it a message or a symbol that is personal to you both.
2.A Pocket Knife
“My kids are all under 10, so the best gifts all come via mum! The most useful include a penknife and a wallet”
Another example of a small gift filled with value, Reddit users suggested that a penknife and a wallet were amongst ideas that belong to this criterion.
Again as always, they can be personalised to make them extra special.
3. A Personalised Pen
For working dads, pens are a tool that comes in handy daily.
They also double up as a fancy way of giving a gift and showing appreciation.
Pens can be bespoke with a multitude of ways to customise them online!
Personalise them, and make sure that your dad has a writing tool filled with sentiment in his pocket at all moments.
4. A Pint…

A section of Reddit strongly suggested that the best fathers day gift can be as simple as giving your time to your dad, one on one.
The best way to do this is by inviting him out for a pint, a walk in the park or a lunch date.
The magic of the gift is the opportunity to spend some quality time with your dad.
5. A Customised KeyChain
A customised key chain was thrown about quite enthusiastically.
One user, in particular, described a motorcycle key chain as the best ever gift that he received from his children.
This dad is obviously into motorcycles, but you pretty much find any variation online.
Football teams, motorcycles and every hobby.
Take a look here for some ideas surrounding personalised keychains -
6. A Personalised Mouse Mat
“A mouse mat with the logo I used for homebrewing, also, a robot made from toilet rolls…”
For now, I will skip over the robot made from toilet rolls… though that does sound brilliant…
Instead, let’s take a look at the mouse mat idea as I think it represents a great fathers day gift idea.
A mouse mat is a surface designed to give you better control over the cursor on your screen.
They quite handily fit every criterion for a perfect fathers day gift, which would be: inexpensive, sentimental and personalisable.
So if your targeted dad spends a large portion of his life tucked away on his PC for work or whatever… a personalised mouse mat may be the way to go!
7. A Homemade Photo Album

“My kids once made me a photo album, that was really nice”
Put together a collection of photographs, celebrating the memories from over the years!
The most exciting thing is you can get the family involved!
Encourage them to also share fond memories of your father and have a laugh going through them.
You may have to do a family whip-round to pull it off, but your dad will find a host of value from this most sentimental of gifts.
8. Personalised Pint Glass
As established earlier - dads like beer. A personalised pint glass is a sure way to honour this fact.
A personalised pint glass is a pint glass with a special message or name on it that holds some form of value and meaning to the recipient.
Being easy to come across many sites offering the option of customising a glass.
In our opinion, the best of which exists here -
But by all means, scour the internet, he may have a favourite brand, beer or football team that offer their own variation, it’s customisable for a reason!
9. A Meal Out
Because dads deserve some downtime.
A meal out as a gift would be providing the dad in question (and accompanying partner) with a fistful of money or equivalent vouchers and letting them off for the night away from children's responsibilities.
Aside from being a well-earned break, this gift is great because it can be upgraded/downgraded depending on who is contributing.
What’s even better still, is that we have an app designed specifically for collecting money from people.
Curate your whip-round here -
10. CTRL C/CTRL V Matching T-Shirts
Computer command t-shirts... copy and paste, father and child.
A humorous t-shirt perfect for whipping out a barbeque!
You can purchase the design here -
GIFTS FOR… Christmas Ideas For Dads
1. Haynes Motoring Jigsaw Puzzle
A Christmas gift for dad is best defined by something objective that they can spend Christmas day trying to get their heads around, something that will draw out their inner child in spades.
We begin with a gift that optimises that, the jigsaw puzzle.
The Jigsaw puzzle we have selected is this lovely one by Haynes -
This is because we stereotyped all dads as being into cars, we realise not all dads are into cars, however, so if we say ‘----- Jigsaw puzzle’ we will leave you to fill in the blanks.
Dad depending…
2. Slippers
Certainly, a Christmas classic and firmly beyond a cliché.
Christmas slippers, warm slippers - these have long since been synonymous with dads everywhere.
Customisable and personal, a Christmas classic!
3. A Musical Instrument
“My 5 year old got me a harmonica once, he picked it out and paid for it himself, I couldn’t play it for my life, but it’s my favourite gift I’ve ever received from him!”
Previously I’ve stated that the criterion for the perfect Dad gift at Christmas, once more a musical instrument fills those boxes with a surge of aplomb.
A Reddit dad recalled a time his son purchased a Harmonica bought from his own pocket money, but any musical instrument will do, certainly, I will attest to the virtues of learning the guitar, keyboard or maybe even a karaoke machine (If you can bear it…)
4. A Jar Of Rocks
“My Daughter got me a jar full of rocks, filled with seawater with ‘best Dad’ written in black marker over it!”
One Reddit dad recalled a time his daughter collected a jar full of rocks she titled - ‘best Dad’.
Again, this highlights the warmth of something with a little thought put into it.
5. Sports Tickets!
“The gift my Dad appreciated the most was two tickets to watch England play Australia at lords, I think an experience and the associated memories are unique”
Following a similar theme to the aforementioned pub idea, the sports tickets idea is not just about the sports (though largely, it is) it’s also about the time that you spend with your dad.
The Reddit testimony only stands to prove that, and he was right in suggesting that the experiences and associated memories are as unique as they can be.
The beauty in the gift is that you’re purchasing memories!
6. Homemade Hot Sauce Kit
I forgot to mention before, alongside the beer and the cars and the dad jokes, dads also like to wallop hot sauce on every plate of food they consume.
Just a fact of life...
Anyway, we suggest a hot sauce kit so that they may have fun brewing their own draft of taste bud scorchers.
I'm still not sure why...
7. Back Support For An Office Chair
As they get older, dad's will become increasingly concerned by pack pains and stiffness.
Office dads spend most of the in a chair, sitting down.
Back supports can help alleviate the pains associated with such activity.
Here is a blog with the best selection on the market -
8. A Coffee Grinder

Dads love coffee and grinders are the starts of a journey into a full-blown obsession.
As a bonus, it will also fill your kitchen with that beautiful aroma whenever you visit.
We will detail a link to the best on the market -
Just remember to buy the beans!
9. Engraved Kitchen Knife
Dads like to cook, but quite often, the difference between a good knife and an average one can be night and day.
Hence the phrase like a knife through butter, it's not the same without a good quality knife.
You can purchase professional-grade chef knives here, as well as have the option to engrave with a personal message!
What Gifts Do Dads Like?
Dads are ultimately human beings who like to feel valued and appreciated for all the sacrifices they have given for their kids.
Reddit has indicated the gifts most appreciated by dads are the gifts that showed you took the time to really think about them.
The physical worth of the gift becomes secondary to the sentimental value; this cannot be underestimated.
So if I were to summarise that into something quaint, it would sound a bit like this…
A Collctiv tip for buying a gift for dad: Buy him something that shows that you took the time to think about him!
What Gifts For The Dad Who Has Everything?
Some dads do have a lot of object stuff, but stuff will only ever amount to that, more stuff.
So your mission is to find a gift that he can value above the things that he probably spent a lot of money on accumulating.
Maybe you think about all the options available? What does he really want? What could I buy that will trump everything he currently owns?
Well, a battle with capitalism is hardly a sustainable method of thinking; furthermore, you would have to take out a whole mortgage to pull that off!
So I suggest a better solution.
You have to approach it from an angle of sentiment.
Something that will be special for him because it comes from you.
Something that will communicate to him just how much he means to you.
The irony is that if you get that right, it will always be regarded as more valuable than anything else you could have afforded…
The sentiment is also cheaper, another bonus.
Where Can I Buy Dad Presents?
Where can you buy presents for dad?
May I suggest firstly defining what the hell you even want to buy?
Should you be stuck for inspiration, please feel free to scroll upwards and scour upon our suggestions I stapled comprehensively.
Should you be already in a position of having decided, power on!
I suggest checking out a few aggregator websites we have frequented as suggestions.
Other than that, google your intended dad, hit the shops or the internet to begin researching your gift!
Dads are really tricky to buy for, but it shouldn't be as stressful as it is made out to be.
Sincerely, we hope that your dad to buy for has flip-flopped into one of the above categories.
We appreciate It is hard to buy a gift for a man who seemingly has everything, but these suggestions have been cobbled to ease that burden.
If you have purchased a gift from the above selection, let us know how your dad enjoyed it!
Don't forget to check out part one of our Dad gifts guide!
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