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PayPal Money Pools ends today! (How Collctiv are providing an alternative)

Money Pools ends today!

Hello from the 30th of September 2021.

At the time of writing the UK is presently immersed in chaos - Katie Price is a terrible driver, North Korea is swinging more missiles about and the army has started delivering petrol in response to a crisis that has absolutely nothing to do with Brexit…

It’s not all bad news however, James Bond’s unique brand of explosions and misogyny is in full flow and a trip to the cinema has been long overdue for us all. (Why not create a popcorn pot?)

However, I regret to inform you that the biggest news of the week may have flown over a lot of people's heads. As of today, PayPal's once burgeoning Money Pools feature is no more. Irrelevant to some, but here at Collctiv we’re quite concerned about how those heading out this weekend or chipping in for a group gift may be adapting to the news.

We are busy suppressing our grins and anxiously researching things that we can learn from PayPal and its failures. Hopefully we can all smash heads and learn to become a better company; helping more people chip in with our money pool app in the process!

What went wrong for PayPal?

How did PayPal get it so wrong?

At the end of the day - everybody wants a social life free from stress. That’s fair right?

Picture this, you have graduated into adulthood; since cutting the leash from your parents and making your mark on the world, you have probably discovered that (much to your disappointment) you are the only person that you know who is willing to take some bloody initiative!

And since you wish to keep flirting with the idea of a hassle-free lifestyle and vibrant social life, you’ve probably decided that you need a solution. Frankly, it’s either that or risking infinitely bathing in the grey sauna of stress until eventually, your legs will have given up, synapses become bitter to touch and generally you’re starting to welcome the not so loving embrace of old age.

That’s a very round-a-bout way of saying that PayPal failed to realise all of that stuff.

As humans, we crave simplicity. The simplicity of life, connection and work; always and forever. Since birth, we stumble around in the void craving nothing but meaning and the simplest pathway in reaching it!

PayPal didn’t get that.

Did you ever get to use the MoneyPools feature? We did! It was cluttered, confusing, required everyone to have an account and we suspect just a smokescreen to obtain customers for the more monetisable elements of their app. In short, the opposite of simple. A bloody faff even!

This may have prompted their downfall.

It may have, more importantly, provided the mission statement for Collctiv to do a better job. Providing all of you with that simplicity of life we were talking about earlier. The same one we all universally crave!

Photo by Elevate on Unsplash

How Collctiv can help you chip in!

So how can you apply this and make group payment simple? Ensuring that you get paid back?

Simply and efficiently, as follows: Organisers! You must download the Collctiv app. Just one person needs to do that.

Within a few seconds, you can create a payment link and share it with your friends via WhatsApp, FB messenger, text or even a carrier pigeon (if you care to print out the QR code on the app). Share with the group and voila! They can pay you within seconds via Apple or Google Pay so you’re just a few clicks away from having organised that meal out with your friends! And this is applicable across all social events. 5-aside? Done. Buying a gift for someone? Easy. POPCORN WHIP-ROUND?! Say no more!

With Collctiv, we want to take the hassle out of group payments. We want to empower the organisers in our communities and ensure that everyone is free to enjoy a social life full of colour and devoid of stress.

Could there be a more wholesome contribution to the world? (other than petrol)

Don’t forget that MoneyPools ends TODAY!

If you need an alternative group payments platform you can download our app here or you can follow us on social media.

To find out more information on how we're serving you as an alternative to PayPal Money Pools, visit our previous blog.

We are at an exciting stage of our business with a lot of new app features on the way, so keep your eyes peeled for the latest Collctiv developments. Be the first to know and sign up for our Newsletter.

Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

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