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Money Pools Sucked, Here Are 10 Reasons Why!

Or, 10 Reasons why you should be using Collctiv instead.

Money pools was terrible. It's our general consensus that if you were using money pools, you might have been played for a sucker too. 

Don't fear. We know monumental errors of judgement is not your habitat. And we can help you reclaim street credibility, pronto. 

Here are some facts. Backed by science and confirming suspicions we had that money pools was a monumental fudge up. 

How is it you can rise above the nonsense and transcend into super organisational stardom?

By following this guide, you fool!

Look at you shine in your gold spandex.

We envy you.

Why did money pools flop? 

Here are the reasons just here! 

  1. Money Pools Was Designed Poorly  
  2. Money Pools Treated You Like A Commodity
  3. That Made Money Pools Impersonal
  4. Money Pools was hidden within the PayPal App
  5. Money Pools Required Everyone Sign With PayPal
  6. The Average PayPal Developer Does Not Like Dogs
  7. PayPal Is A Bit Old
  8. Elon Musk Was Broke When PayPal Launched - That's How Old It Is!
  9. PayPal have hidden transaction fees
  10. Money Pools Probably Did The Petrol Crisis

Now, I wish to reference our CTO, Pete Casson, In this blog here.

In theory, there was no reason why money pools would have failed. They had a wealth of 337 million users on their platform; a strong percentage of which would have surely benefited from the group payments technology PayPal offered.  

However, by our understanding, money pools was a good idea poorly executed. For a start, they had given it a second rate status within the app. Using it as a tool to lure customers into the more monetizable elements of their app. 

There were also simple issues with the useability of the platform itself. With money pools everyone was required to have the PayPal app to contribute to the collection. This was a simple issue that could have been rectified if not for PayPal's insistence on making people profitable as opposed to making a product of genuine value. 

Ultimately Collctiv stands for simplicity; this is why our primary focus is making group payments as simple as they can possibly be. Something that PayPal neglected and ultimately paid the price for. 

“Our aim with Collctiv is to make it incredibly quick and easy to collect money from a group of people. Anything that slows that down or stops it from happening needs to be stripped out or overcome - Pete Casson, CTO Collctiv.”

So what now for collecting group payments?

Swooping into the Autumn with the ferocity of a hungry and very bald Eagle, spare a thought for the open casket of money pools.

With longer nights turned colder days, If you're heading inside this Autumn, consider Collctiv for the organisational elements - ensuring group payments remain simple fundamentally. 

And while you may not be totally overwhelmed by our logic for money pool's shortcomings, we promise the logic is entirely valid. Money pools was a flawed platform that we can only stand to learn from. In doing so we can ensure that Collctiv is always of value to everyone moving forward into the scary realm of social events and group payments.

Tired of being left out of pocket? It’s free to download our app! Click here for the app store or alternatively, here for google play!Furthermore, check out our website for more information; more blog content. Including our take on why we are the best alternative to money pools.

Photo by Doğukan Şahin on Unsplash
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