Macmillan Coffee Morning 2023

Macmillan Coffee Morning provides people from all over the UK with the chance to host their very own coffee mornings, where you can share a brew or yummy piece of cake with your colleagues, friends and family. The funds you raise from your event go to Macmillan to support people living with cancer.
The official date of Macmillan's Coffee Morning is Friday 30th September 2022, but it can be held at any time you like.
What is cancer?
Cancer is a condition when a few of the body's cells grow out of control and spread to other bodily regions. In the millions of cells that make up the human body, cancer can develop practically anywhere. But it is so much more than that.
Every two minutes in the UK someone is diagnosed with cancer. There are around 375,000 new cancer cases in the UK every year, to put this into perspective - that's around 1,000 new cases every day.
Cancer can affect anyone, no matter your age or sex. In females in the UK, there are more than 182,000 new cancer cases every year, similarly, in males, there are around 193,000 new cancer cases every year.
Each year more than a third (36%) of all cancer cases in the UK are diagnosed in people aged 75 and over. Cancer survival is improving and has doubled in the last 40 years in the UK as a result of advancements in diagnosis and treatment techniques, earlier detection through mammography screening, and a focus on quicker treatment. You can help to support cancer patients by attending or organising a local Macmillan Coffee Morning to raise money for this vital organisation.
What is Macmillan Coffee Morning 2022?
The great thing about a Macmillan Coffee Morning is that it can be extremely versatile, meaning anyone can get involved! Depending on your preferences, you may want to host your own coffee morning at home or work, serving freshly baked goods. It's a straightforward concept: invite people inside your house, office, or garden, whatever you prefer, to help fight against one of humanity's deadliest conditions.
All you need to do is exchange cakes, coffee, tea, conversation, and, of course, money! Anyone who wants to participate just needs to pick a date and start baking to raise money. Whatever your motivation for hosting, you have the potential to help collect crucial funds for those who are fighting cancer. Together you can make 2022 another great year for Macmillan, last year they raised over £11 million and hope to see even bigger numbers this year!
What does Macmillan do?
Macmillan is aware of how cancer can impact a person's entire life, including their health, finances, family, and career. And after more than a century of providing care, they realise that the most crucial thing is to treat people as a unique individual rather than as a patient.
Macmillan takes the time to comprehend the assistance people require in order to live their life as completely as possible. They are available to assist patients in finding their best course of action starting at the time of diagnosis and whenever they need them the most. Macmillan’s assistance is wholly personalised for each individual, ensuring that each person gets the finest possible support.
How can you get involved?
Host a coffee morning yourself
If you have the time and space, you could host your very own coffee morning in your home or garden. Send an invite out to your colleagues via email, or a WhatsApp group message to your friends letting them know about your event. Challenge your friends or colleagues to a bake-off, your treats can all be sold on your coffee morning!
Attend a coffee morning
You may not be able to host your own coffee morning, but you may be able to pass by one. You could pop into your office and buy some cake if your workplace is getting involved or visit your friend’s house for a coffee and a chat.
How could your money help?
Here are a few of the ways your donations can support Macmillan:
1. £71 could help to run Macmillan’s Online Community forum for over 3 hours. Typically, that would give nearly 198 people affected by cancer both emotional and practical support
2. £100 could fund the attendance of a health and wellbeing event for a cancer patient, giving them the knowledge to better manage these aspects of their lives.
3. £350 could cover the cost of a Macmillan grant that enables a cancer-affected family to take a vacation and cherish their time together.
4. £606 could pay for a Macmillan Support Worker for a week, assisting cancer patients, their loved ones, and caregivers in managing the emotional and practical challenges of living with the condition.
5. £1135 could fund a Macmillan nurse for a week, providing vital medical, practical, and emotional assistance to those dealing with cancer and their families.
How can I fundraise for Macmillan Coffee Morning?
In the past, one of Macmillan’s Coffee Morning hotspots was the workplace, but as a result of the effects of COVID-19, fewer and fewer individuals are choosing to work in the office or attend the office every day at the same time. As a result, donations may be given by even fewer people than usual! Not to mention that we are moving toward a cashless world, so most people won’t have any spare change to donate. Bank transfers are an option, but as we all know it’s a laborious procedure, especially when you just want to give a few pounds for a piece of lemon drizzle cake!
Whether you're organising a fundraiser at work or assembling a group of friends to contribute to a worthwhile cause together, you need a quick and easy approach to allow people to donate.
How can I collect donations simply?
So how about this – an app that makes it easy to collect money from people whilst also making it easy for people to pay in. Simply download the app for free, create a ‘pot’ for the event you are running and this will generate you a payment link and a QR code.
Share the payment link anywhere – email, Slack, WhatsApp – however you would normally communicate with your people, and with just a tap people can donate to your pot. They do not need to download the app, create an account or validate an email – they simply tap to pay, and it’s done. If they have Apple or Google Pay, it takes less than 5 seconds.
Better still, why not print out the QR code and tape it to your cake sale table? People just scan it with their phone and voilà, they’ve donated!
There are no mandatory fees involved – people can choose to make a donation to Collctiv when paying in, and you can make a voluntary contribution when you withdraw, but there is no obligation to do so. 100% of the money you raise goes to your chosen charity.
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