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How Much Should I Spend On Teachers Gifts?

Inappropriately weighing in on the debate. I’m not even a parent. My dad’s a teacher though. Allow me to rehash the thoughts that he had thunk when I asked him. I’ll even throw my two pennies in. Promptly.

How much should I spend on teachers' gifts? Every year we re-turf the tradition of etiquette in giving teachers presents. We do this to express our gratitude. Teaching is a hard job after all. Underpaid also. Just whilst we’re here…

So what is the appropriate budget for such a gift; what does that budget even buy you anyway?

Assuming of course the group gift concept had already been mooted. A subject I have previously written about in this article here. I urge you to take a look if you haven’t already. It’s a hammer blow for tradition and shatters the possibilities wide open.

Moving on…

My Dad is a teacher. I asked him the same question. Initially, he gave me a very lacklustre and uninspired response.

“I’m not sure. Students don’t tend to buy me anything.”

Wow, I thought. Throw me a bone, Dad.

I replied: “Dad, you yourself are a parent. What would you be willing to spend? What is appropriate for you?”

He’s whirring now. Wise man, my Dad. Full of nuggets. If not very fun.

“We should decide the worth based on its intrinsic value to the person. Not by monetary value alone.”

That got me thinking.

My dad likes Arsenal, his kids and Ricky Gervais.

Therefore would be over the moon with nothing other than an Arsenal mug perhaps? That’s what? A tenner?

Nothing to blow the bank up.

Now, I appreciate vague and whimsical meditations on worth won't fully answer the question that was asked. What is the appropriate amount to spend on a teacher's gift?

So I moved on.

Pulling away from the unreliable source of parental advice, I sought google. Ah, Google. Effervescent fountain of knowledge. Keeping my mind plump.  

Google quite rightly suggested there may be two impacting scenarios.

Spending for one teacher.

Spending for several.

Both answers in both scenarios were keen to reinforce there is no pressure to go large on a gift. It’s not that kind of party. It's the sentiment we’re searching for.

Items such as personalised stationery (the kind that goes missing over a year) exercise books and boxes of chocolates are all frequented in the most common suggestions. All of which can be purchased for £10 or under.

Showing that you cared enough to put thought into a gift will go a long way.

So therefore I would urge everyone to change their mindset into how they can purchase a gift of personal worth as opposed to monetary value.

And if you really want to go bold. Get them a group gift.

No, seriously.

Get them a group gift.

Photo by LumenSoft Technologies on Unsplash

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