Help Your Child to Succeed this Lockdown with Online Tutoring

We get it. We're working parents too. Trying to find focus and motivation when working from home is difficult enough. Now your desk in the spare room and corner of the kitchen table have been taken over by worksheets about fractions, Pritt Sticks and every imaginable colour of crayon. And, with every passing day, the growing realisation of why you didn't train to become a teacher compounding your worries about the gaps in your child's learning.
Which is why we're extremely happy (relieved?!) to be partnering with NP Academy to bring you an incredible introductory offer to online tutoring.
If you've never before considered tutoring for your child, now might well be the time to give it some thought. With the latest Government update suggesting that it might not be until mid-March before kids can go back to school in England - and with the Easter holidays not long after that - our children may end up missing a third of their face-to-face schooling in 2020/21.
NP Academy tutors are all Oxford and Cambridge graduates who provide expert guidance and support for students at every stage of their academic journey. Their day job is to work with your child to help them learn - leaving you to get on with your day job. Providing support for students from the ages of 7 onwards, and teaching a wide range of subjects from KS2 to the MBA (including international equivalents), over the past years, NP Academy tutors have helped hundreds of students and covered a global demographic spanning six continents, including the UK, US, China, Hong Kong, UAE, and various European countries.
But don't take our word for it!
Neal is an absolute star. My son and daughter receive weekly tuition in maths and the most important thing for me as a parent is that my children look forward to studying maths with Neal.
I need help - sign me up! How does it work?
Simply scan the QR code or visit this link to access this exclusive offer. You will pay for a block of 5 hours for just £199 - normally £240! Once you have made payment, NP Academy will be in touch to arrange your child's tutoring.
If you would like to find out more about NP Academy before signing up to this exclusive offer, then feel free to get in touch with them to book a free initial consultation for you and your child.
It's as easy as that! And with NP Academy taking some of the pressure off, perhaps you'll have time to drink a cup of tea... while it's still hot!