Celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III

King Charles III Coronation Ceremony
Since the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, her son, formerly known as the Prince of Wales ascended to the throne making him King Charles III. The Coronation will go down in history not only for it being the longest period of time between Coronations - over 70 years - but also King Charles will be 74 at the time of the ceremony, making him the oldest new monarch to be crowned. Once a King or queen is succeeded to the throne, the planning and preparation for the ceremony begins almost immediately.
The word Coronation is described as 'a ceremony in which someone is crowned King or Queen'. It is derived from the Latin word ‘corona’ which means crown.
On the day of the ceremony, the process is split into 5 main sections:
1) The King will walk into the Abbey whilst the choir sings. The King, also known as the Sovereign will take an oath to uphold the gospel and maintain the doctrine and worship of the Church of England.
2) The choir will sing more songs (they'll be very busy on the day!). The King's robe will be removed and he will then be seated on the Coronation chair. The Archbishop then anoints the King with holy oil whilst the choir sings.
3) The Sovereign is then dressed in robes of cloth and gold and returns to the chair and symbolic items are presented to him to hold. The crown is then placed on the Sovereign's head.
4) The newly crowned King will leave the Coronation chair and move to the throne. The throne is newly made for each Coronation. The King is then placed on the throne and at that moment he will take possession of the Kingdom. The choir sings (again!), led by the crowning and anointing of the Queen Consort.
5) The King then receives Holy Communion, hymns are sung and the Archbishop gives his blessing. The King exchanges the St Edwards crown for the lighter Imperial State Crown whilst carrying the Sceptre and Orb and processes through the Abbey to the Annexe at the west end.
King Charles's Coronation Date
King Charles's Coronation date is Saturday 6th May 2023 at Westminster Abbey in London. It will be 8 months since he was appointed King and also the first Coronation to take place on a weekend since 1902. This will be eight months from his automatic appointment as King.
The time of the Coronation has not yet been confirmed, however, Queen Elizabeth II’s ceremony began around 11 am and lasted almost 3 hours therefore the King's Coronation may follow a similar schedule.
King Charles Coronation Bank Holiday
A bank holiday was proclaimed to honour the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III. It was decided by the Prime Minister to add an additional bank holiday to mark the occasion. The bank holiday will fall on Monday 8th May, 2 days after the actual Coronation. This will give families and communities an opportunity to come together and celebrate by taking part in local and national events across the United Kingdom.
Whilst the Coronation is solemn and sacred it is also celebratory. Whether it be sitting as a family watching the Coronation on TV, having a gathering at your local church, or throwing a street party, the Coronation can be celebrated in many different ways.
King Charles Coronation Medal
Each monarch has a medal that is given to members of the royal family and other selected members of the household and state to mark the occasion. These people also include government officials and members of the army, air force, navy, and police. King Charles II’s medals will be issued following the Coronation although it is not yet fully confirmed that he will have one as it is likely to be a streamlined event compared to Queen Elizabeth II’s ceremony. This is due to the Coronation being a reflection of the King's vision for a small, more modern monarchy.
Ways to Celebrate the Coronation of King Charles
Communities, friends and families across the United Kingdom will be taking part in Coronation celebrations. Some ideas of how to celebrate the bank holiday weekend include;
Street parties
Community picnics and fairs
Church services and gatherings
Family celebrations and garden parties
Adding Commemorative benches or trees in your neighbourhood
Community bake off
Afternoon tea
And some activity ideas include:
A Royal quiz
Arts and crafts
Fancy dress competition
Visiting some of the UK's historic sites
What is the best way to collect money for a group celebration?
King Charles III Coronation is a time for celebration and spending quality time with friends and family to celebrate a historic moment. Taking part in large community events can be great fun but also very costly, with a lot of organisation needed to pull it off.
When it comes to money, there will always be those that don’t contribute, which often leaves those responsible for the event out of pocket. Be that buying props, food, drink or decorations, the frustrating truth is that those who give their time, energy and mental bandwidth also tend to be the ones that also sacrifice their bank balance.
A street party often accentuates this fact. You are unlikely to be close to all of your neighbours, meaning that the thought of giving out your bank details and then having to chase relative strangers is tricky at best, daunting at worst.
It is rarely, if ever, an intentional slight on your character, a passive-aggressive way of telling you you’re in the bad books or an attempt to ‘get away without paying’. No no, this all comes down to the fact that it can be complicated to pay someone, and if you add friction to any process, some people will simply not do it. They will, with the very best will in the world, promise themselves that they will ‘do it later’, but then with three kids hanging off them or an impromptu visitor or phone call, it gets forgotten about and doesn’t happen. It then relies on you to remind them…which gets pretty awkward the third time of asking. You suddenly become like a creeping death, nagging your neighbours and going from figurehead of a great community event to debt collector!
So instead of enjoying the celebrations, you have this cloud looming over you, feeling the dread as you creep up on the unsuspecting victim and remind them that they haven’t paid you for their share.
So how about an alternative? A nice easy way of creating a pool, or multiple pools, each describing the element they are for (for example ‘street party decorations’, ‘food budget’, ‘drinks’) and simply sharing the payment link to your Whatsapp or Nextdoor group?
Each person simply taps to pay and they’re done. No downloading of an app, no creating of an account, and no banking. No excuses. Just you getting paid!
We hope you have an awesome time on this historic occasion, and that Collctiv can help make it as easy as possible to create something memorable!
Download Collctiv and start collecting money today
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Since 2019 Collctiv has helped over 550,000 people from 97 countries come together by making it simple for Organisers to collect money from groups of people. Whether it's a church gathering, community event, or street party - download our free app today and start bringing people together!