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Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2023

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Gifts

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are perfect opportunities to purchase that dream gift for someone at a fraction of the usual price. In this blog we’ll take a look at some of the best gift ideas this year, especially if you’re looking to pool together money with your favorite people to buy someone else a gift that’s as special as they are!

What is Black Friday?

Black Friday is the commonly used term for the day after Thanksgiving in the United States, which is now known for being one of the busiest shopping days of the calendar year. This year it falls on Friday 25th November.

On this day, retailers offer huge discounts in-store and online as consumers race to secure goods at a cut-price, with many people using the day as an opportunity to pick up holiday gifts.

The term ‘Black Friday’ dates back to the mid-1900’s, where the phrase was coined by police officers in Philadelphia to describe the day following Thanksgiving where a huge number of tourists swarmed to the City to attend the annual Army-Navy football game played on the Saturday.

Not only would the tourists begin their holiday shopping on this day, creating a huge buzz amongst the crowds, but the huge additional presence of people was a source of frustration to the police who had to deal with the bedlam caused.

In recent years, retailers have worked hard to place a positive spin on Black Friday in recognition of the day as one of the biggest days of shopping for consumers and merchants alike. This is cemented by the recent statistics around Black Friday in the US, with 88 million US buyers shopping online on this day in 2021, spending an estimated $9 billion.

Now is the best time to prepare if you have an event coming up where you need a gift - maybe there’s a Bachelorette Party on the horizon or a colleague is hitting a milestone birthday?

No matter the occasion, if you’re looking to go in on a gift with a group of people and take advantage of the offers available on Black Friday, download the Collctiv app today and start your money pool in advance so that you can pick up the dream gift at a fraction of the price!

What is Cyber Monday?

Cyber Monday is (and you might have guessed it!) the first Monday following Thanksgiving and Black Friday, this year landing on Monday 28th November. The phrase ‘Cyber Monday’ was created by Shop.Org in 2005 as a way to encourage consumers to shop online and both e-commerce and traditional brick-and-mortar retailers alike have taken advantage of the huge level of consumer activity on this day.

Retailers promote additional discounts on top of their Black Friday deals on many occasions and this is reflected in sales, which have grown from $484 million spent in 2005, up to $10.7 billion in 2021!

In the ever-growing world of e-commerce retail, many consumers are turning to shopping online to pick up the best deals over the Thanksgiving weekend, allowing them to spend time with friends and family instead of battling the queues in stores.

However you choose to take advantage of the great offers over this weekend, Collctiv is here to help. If your gift is going to be a group purchase and you’re tired of being the person sucking up the costs for everyone else, download our app today and start your money pool, it’s the easiest way to collect money securely!

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Gift Ideas


Know someone who loves music or is always listening to a podcast on the long commute to work or in the gym? Headphones are the perfect gift. Collctiv’s top tip - pick up a noise-cancelling pair to truly let them immerse themselves in their favorite album!

Apple Watch

The Apple Watch has been one of the most in-demand gadgets for gift buyers over recent years. Whether it’s the health & fitness capabilities or quite simply the ease of having the world of your phone on your wrist (and maybe even just the ability to tell the time - crazy, right?!), the Apple Watch is a must-have. Keep your eye out this Black Friday & Cyber Monday.

Games Console

Does that special someone you’re buying for like to take a step back from reality and enjoy the latest video game? We all need a dose of fun every now and again and what’s better than jumping on the latest racing game or joining your friends online for a night of highs, lows, tears and laughter. Whether it’s a PlayStation, Nintendo Switch or the latest Xbox, Black Friday and Cyber Monday has you covered.

Cookware Sets

Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals aren’t all about electronics and gadgets, and if the person you’re buying for loves nothing more than whipping up a new recipe they’ve found online or mastering that secret family recipe using the best tools, a cookware set ticks all the boxes!


TV’s are one of the most popular gift purchases over the Thanksgiving weekend and we can see why. There are some incredible deals to be found on the best TV’s, regardless of the size/spec you’re looking for. Whether someone loves finding the latest Game of Thrones or watching NFL Sundays with their buddies, a new TV can be a great gift.

Coffee Maker

Our last top recommendation is a coffee maker. If your giftee is rarely seen without a Starbucks cup in their hands, let them bring the joy of coffee into their own home with the tool to make the perfect cup every single time.

Why Collctiv?

So you’ve decided on the perfect gift and now it’s a waiting game for Black Friday and Cyber Monday to make sure you get the best deal. All you need to do is collect the money from the people who have made a promise to go in with you so that you have the money ready to spend.

But we know it’s never that simple.

Some people want to use Cash App, others want Venmo, Mark wants to give you a check and Kim promises to give you money the next time you see her. All of a sudden, that $200 you were promised is looking pretty thin and neither Amazon nor Walmart take ‘promises’ as payments.

If you’re looking for the easiest, most secure way to pool your money in advance of buying this gift, try Collctiv today. Setting up a pool can be done in less than a minute and all you need to do is share your payment link/QR code with your group who can tap to pay in seconds without the need for any account creation or app downloads. No more excuses!

Using Collctiv also allows you to keep the money for this purchase ring-fenced from your personal finances and offers transparency to the people chipping in who want to see the running total. Once the money is collected, you can withdraw the money directly to your bank account or even purchase one of our hand-picked gift cards and let your giftee make their own decision on what to buy this Black Friday/Cyber Monday.

Download our free to use app here and start watching the dollars rolling in today!

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